
Showing posts from September, 2018

Dirty Little Secret is an author of sexy My Little Pony stories, posting on

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Progress Report: Sex Ed: Pony Style has a new chapter!

Patreon supporters can already read Lesson 6: Homosexuality! It came out to be 5928 words long. My process for writing this went something like this: - Make an outline at a leisurely pace - Write a few hundred words at a leisurely pace - Realize that the end of the month is coming fairly soon; check how many days are left in the month - Oh shit! September only has 28 days!? I only have 2 left, and I have two stories to write! - Finish the rest of this chapter and proofread it all in one hectic day So yeah ... I wrote and edited about 5100 words today... And I'll probably end up doing even more tomorrow, because I also have a furry story that needs to be done by the end of the month, and all I have so far is a cover and an outline. My record for one-day progress is just shy of 10000 words. I might break that tomorrow, plus still attending my classes. Fun times!

Progress Report: 800 words of Sex Ed: Pony Style

Not a lot of progress, I know. But at least it's something, and the setup to the first (of two) sex scene is almost complete already. (Spoiler: Button Mash x Scootaloo ... but not Scootaloo's girl parts.)

Progress Report: Sex Ed: Pony Style outline refinements

There was already a bit of an outline for the next chapter of Sex Ed: Pony Style, but I've just finished refining it and making it much more detailed. Homosexuality will be a tricky chapter for me to write, but I think I've got it figured out now!

Progress Report: The Rise and Fall of Gleaming Shield is a complete first draft!

Finally came to the end of this story -- which means I've nearly finished a commission! Finally! It's up to about 23700 words now. I'll go through and edit the final chapter tomorrow, and I'll also find out if the commissioner wants anything changed. Then it will be published for Patreon supporters to see, probably coming out publicly a week or two later.

Progress Report: No progress for the last few days.

I've been as sick as three dogs over the past few days, and I haven't really been able to get much writing done. But I'm starting to get better now, and I hope to still meet my goals for the week, so you should see a lot getting done over the next three days.